We acknowledge the following contributions to the development of these online courses:
provided by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, with in kind support from the University of Newcastle and La Trobe University.
with gratitude to the students, parents, carers and teachers who participated in the research that underpins this course.
with thanks to the students of Hunter School of the Performing Arts (HSPA) who performed in the videos and the teachers who facilitated their participation.
Thanks to the following actors and colleagues who also performed in the videos:
Kaliya Alldridge
Luisa Amosa
Lilly Andrews
Myra Andrews
David Arnull
Alyce Carroll
Honae Cuffe
Tim Dean
Caitlin Field
Emma Graham
Matthew Harper
Daniel Hickmott
Mikahlia Holmes
Amber Hughes
Felicia Jaremus
Claire Jones
Zara Kelly
Nathan Loveridge
Roger Ly
Adam Lloyd
Angela McKeown
Andrew Miller
Katrina Miller-Little
Kellie Morrison
Jesse Pass
Sally Patfield
Harold Phipps
Elena Prieto
Brooke Rosser
Michelle Ware
Peter Wnukowski-Mtonga
Teacher reference group members
for their generous engagement throughout the development of this course:
Sally Alexander
Cody Breasley
David Brown
Peter Clayden
Adam Lloyd
Phelissitie Milgate
Website and course review
provided by research staff from the Teachers and Teaching Research Centre:
Lauren Barnett
Alyce Carroll
Skye Gibson
Matthew Harper
Mikahlia Holmes
Felicia Jaremus
Brooke Rosser
Claire Wallington
Chantal Pescud
Terina Vale
Kristina Sincock
Aspirations: Supporting Students’ Futures online course has been designed for teachers in all Australian states and territories