AITSL Standards
Aspirations: Supporting Students’ Futures online course is for all Australian teachers, aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
All standards are mapped at the Proficient level
Standard 1.1
Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.
Course mapping
In Units 2, 3 and 4, teachers are presented with powerful ideas to help develop student capabilities as a foundation for pursuing their aspirations, particularly addressing how different social circumstances can affect student development.
Standard 1.3
Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds.
Course mapping
In Units 2, 4 and 6, teachers reflect on and plan strategies for nurturing the aspirations of students from diverse backgrounds.
Standard 1.4
Design and implement effective teaching strategies that are responsive to the local community and cultural setting, linguistic background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Course mapping
In Units 2 and 4, teachers reflect on and plan strategies for nurturing the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, taking into account local community and cultural settings.
Standard 2.4
Provide opportunities for students to develop understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
Course mapping
In Unit 4, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students talk about their aspirations. Powerful statistical data, together with student voices highlight existing misconceptions. Teachers are asked to reflect on and plan strategies for their students to unpack and challenge these misconceptions.
Standard 3.4
Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.
Course mapping
The resources used in the modules, particularly many of the videos representing students’ voices, can be used by teachers to support their own students’ aspirations.
Standard 3.6
Evaluate personal teaching and learning programs using evidence, including feedback from students and student assessment data, to inform planning.
Course mapping
In their learning journal, teachers are asked to improve on their own programs to support aspirations, aided by the statistical data provided in Unit 3.
Standard 3.7
Engage parents/carers in the educative process
Course mapping
In Unit 5, teachers learn about the importance of parents and the community in aspiration formation and consider appropriate ways to maximise this potential.
Standard 4.1
Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities.
Course mapping
In Units 2 - 6, we establish conceptual and empirical foundations for how to implement inclusive interactions to support the aspirations of all students.
Standard 6.2
Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice, targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
Course mapping
In Units 2-6, teachers learn about the important role they play in supporting student aspirations and contributing to their school and system interests in equity.
Standard 7.4
Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.
Course mapping
Throughout the course, teachers participate in professional learning communities, discussing the content of the course and sharing ideas with colleagues.